Will you help us shout about legacy giving this Remember A Charity Week?
Legacies have never been more important to the Dog Aid Society of Scotland. The past 18 months have shown us how much we rely on gifts in Wills to help sustain our vital services.
This year’s Remember A Charity Week, 6-12 September, is the perfect opportunity to have conversations with our supporters about leaving a gift in their Will. The week aims to boost understanding of gifts in Wills and encourage more of our supporters to consider leaving a gift to the Dog Aid Society.
This year, we’re asking supporters a simple and direct question with the new ‘WILL YOU?’ creative, which uses our own branding, messaging and images. Together with 200 charities, we’re asking people across the UK if they will help make a change for future generations by leaving a gift in their Will. We’ll be using posters and social media to promote the campaign during the Week.
Please share and help us shout loud about legacies so we can make a lasting impact on the future of our charity.
For more information, go to the Remember a Charity website.