
0300 365 2500

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Mon - Thu: 9am - 4:30pm Friday: 9am - 3:00pm

“A Dog’s Day Out” at Traquair House

Last weekend, the Society attended its first show event since the start of pandemic. It was the 5th annual “A Dog’s Day Out” event at Traquair House in Innerleithen on Sunday 17 July. Staff travelled down in the DASS van and set up the stall in the lovely Walled Garden with DASS merchandise, gifts and dog toys, leads and coats as well as information about the charity (see image below).

It was a very warm day but dog water stations were dotted around and there were numerous trees providing shade. Trustees and staff also tried to stay hydrated! There were several dog agility displays on the main grounds (see image above) and many different activities for owners and their dogs. The Society staff registered entrants to the Companion Dog Show where any household canine could sign up to showcase their talents as the Dog With The Waggiest Tail or the Fastest Sausage Eater, for example. No guesses for which class filled up first…

The classes were extremely popular and filled up quickly. Along with others, our Trustee Iain Butt and staff member Clare assisted in the judging and enjoyed it hugely. We all loved seeing such a wide variety of breeds and on a basic level, being out at a show again! Traquair is always a joy to attend as it is a gorgeous setting and there is lots to explore – did you know they have a maze and a brewery?

The proceeds from the entry fees for the Companion Dog Show will be generously donated to the Society by Catherine Maxwell Stuart, for which we are so grateful.  Thank you to Catherine and her team for organising a great event. If you missed it, make sure you look out for it next year!




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Dog Aid Scotland,
Riccarton Mains Farm,
1b The Cottage,
EH14 4AR
Tel: 0300 365 2500

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